Weekly Reflection #4

Weekly Reflection #4
Written on 11/6/17

   This past week in help desk, we uploaded the drone photos I took from last week, which will be shown at the end of this post, we also tossed around ideas about interviewing the new teachers to BHS. Then we played with the makey makey, I know it sounds like a baby trying to talk, but that's the real name. Mr. Wong had brought in bananas and play dough to make controllers for the makey makey. Since the makey makey is basically an Xbox controller, but instead of the a, b, y, x buttons you can substitute them for anything, even play dough. So I created a mock-up Xbox controller on paper then used bananas to play Super Mario Bros. Then we talked little about my Individual Learning Endeavor(ILE) drone idea that I mentioned more about in the last reflection. Finally going back to the makey makey, yesterday Mr. Wong brought in play dough and another period set up a controller for the makey makey with the play dough, Which I thought was better than using the copper strips to control the movement of Mario. Also thanks for reading and hope you had a great weekend.

This is a photo from a google search of someone also using play dough to play Super Mario Bros.
