Weekly Reflection #8

Weekly Reflection #8
Written between 3/26/18-3/28/18

   This past month we talked about last months blog post, the arduinos, internships, the new drones that were ordered, Parrot Edu, Swift Playgrounds, and the drone project. First, The new drones that were ordered are the Mavic Air, a different colored Mavic Pro, and some extra parts. Then the Parrot Edu is a website that lets you control a parrot drone from the Chromebook.(link below for an example of what it does) Next, Swift Playgrounds is also an app that lets you control the drone. In this app, it gets you a challenge and you have to complete it with code. Earlier this week, we talked about Baxter, who sadly wasn't working correctly. Also, the Mavic Air was delivered this week, so we took it out for a fight yesterday(link down below). Finally, in the drone project, my period is in the piloting group so our group will be creating the piloting tutorial(release date unknown, filming still in progress). Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great long weekend, Easter, and upcoming April vacation.
