Weekyly Reflection #18

Weekly Reflection #18
Written on 4/30/20

     During this week in quarantine, I've played video games with friends and working on school work. As for video games, 
I've played this week, they are Minecraft, Rocket League, and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. In Help Desk, I've continued my work on 
Google's Applied Digital Skills website. The activity I choose a lesson on Identifying cyberbullying. During this activity, I made a list of guidelines on how to communicate online and a list of what to do when cyberbullying occurs. Below are the lists I created. Thank you for reading and stay safe online and during the quarantine.

Guidelines for communicating online

  1. Ask if your grandma would say this.
  2. Think of your words and if it will hurt somebody.
  3. Think of how you would feel if this was said about you.
  4. Think if it will hurt the person’s reputation.
  5. Ask if your words could be hurtful to the person’s culture.
  6. Log off if you believe you are being bullied.
  7. Reach out to an adult you trust and inform them of what happened online.

What to do when cyberbullying occurs
  1. Log off
  2. Tell an adult
  3. Report to the website
  4. Block the user
  5. Take screenshots as proof to show to an adult.
