Weekly Reflection #22

Weekly Reflection #22
Written on 6/1/20

   I've played this week, they are Minecraft and Rocket League. The activity I choose this week was called Track Due Dates and Tasks in Gmail. I choose this because its something I need to work on, I've been getting sloppy when it comes to turning in assignments an hour before its due at midnight. Step one of the activity is to go to gmail.com. Next on the sidebar on the right side of the site click on the calendar and add some due dates. Then click on the tasks app and create a list of things you need to do before you submit your assignment. Make sure to organize the task in order of completion. Once you finish your assignment make sure to click the complete button in the task app. This week I also did a couple of CodeCombat lessons. CodeCombat is good for ages and grades as long as the person is new to coding and wants to slowly be introduced to it while having fun. When compared to Swift Playgrounds, CodeCombat in my option is better because it has more of a story and it can be played on PC, Mac, Chromebook, and pretty much everything. Thanks for reading and stay safe.
